Owning a home really is a wonderful thing. It is the kind of experience that can offer a feeling of security and value. Of course, this doesn’t mean that owning a home is going to be easy. Not only is it going to be hard to make those mortgage payments, but there are going to be maintenance tasks that you will need to keep up with on a regular schedule.
Taking care of such tasks with your own hands can save your money. Sure, there are professional companies that can clean your gutters and dryer vents, but why hire companies when you can tackle the tasks yourself? Cleaning your dryer ducts is something that you will need to do often and will the following tips, you can make the overall process easier.
Choose The Right Dryer Vent Kit
The first thing that you need to know is that there are a number of dryer vent cleaning kits available. These kits are available in a number of styles, lengths, and prices. They can be purchased at your local hardware store and are pretty affordable. The good thing about these kits is that they can be used over again and again.
Most dryer vents are right around 4 inches in diameter so you don’t have to worry about getting the size wrong. However, the important part will come down to length. Make sure that you choose one that offers the length that you need.
Start With The Lint Trap
When you are cleaning the dryer vent the very first place you will want to tackle is the lint trap. This will either be located inside the dryer or on top of the dyer. Clean the lint trap and then vacuum around the lint trap with a vacuum cleaner. It isn’t even a day idea to stuff your newly purchased lint brush into the lint trap as far as possible. This might take some maneuvering, but will be worth the extra effort.
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Tackling The Dryer
Once you have got the trap, you will be ready to move onto the vent itself. Remove the dryer and detach the vent. Now, shove the big lint brush down the vent as far as possible while twisting it. You will want to pull the brush out ever so often to remove the lint from it.
Tackle The Outside Exhaust
Once you have tackled the entirety of the vent do not forget to clean the exhaust as well. This is extremely important as you have probably pushed a bunch of the lint to this point. You might have to remove a screen before being able to access the entirety of the lint.